Residential Vehicle Damage
It’s not as amusing as it dangerous to your home and your loved ones when a careless driver confuses your safe haven for a parking lot. Residential vehicle damage caused by a motor vehicle can cost thousands to repair and recover for both exterior and interior stand points.
When a vehicle loses control & hits a structure. Many things can happen between structural damage and will require an engineer to assess further issues or stresses. Items such as vinyl siding, foundation, brick can be destroyed easily, and residential vehicle damage can be very costly.
The impact of a vehicle hitting a business building or residence may even displace your family and customers, in which expediting the claim process is critically important to putting you back to preexisting condition.
In the event that this does happen to you or someone you know, contact your local office of Public Adjusters Associates here in NJ or PA and schedule an appointment for FREE Damage Inspection. You can call us at (609) 266-9072 or click here to contact us by email.