Smoke Damage Claims in PA & NJ
When it comes to smoke damage, the first thought homeowners have is what remains of a hazardous fire. However, smoke damage is more than just the aftermath of devastation. With further damage made, an additional claim would be made with a more detailed adjustment to exactly what can and cannot be replaced. A fire may not have burned items to ashes, however, possible things such as clothing, may have severe smoke damage, which may or may not be included in a fire claim.
The cleanup of smoke and soot can be an extremely costly remediation, as we suggest contacting Public Adjusters Associates prior to any restoration services that may be offered.
Smoke damage is a common problem with older oil fired heating systems throughout NJ and PA. Due to older ignition systems we see mostly homeowners experiencing these problems in late fall/early winter. Smoke damage can easily affect heating systems ductwork and leave residue on all surfaces including furniture, carpeting and walls. To get a maximum settlement make sure to call your local office of Public Adjusters Associates if you reside in PA & NJ at (609) 266-9072 or click here to contact us by email.