Theft Damage Loss
Theft damage can happen at any time and if you or someone you know has had their home broken into, the tragedy of losing irreplaceable items is more than frustrating. Same can happen in your business. A peril that does exist on policies...
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Smoke Damage
Smoke Damage Claims
When it comes to smoke damage, the first thought homeowners have is what remains of a hazardous fire. However, smoke damage is more than just the aftermath of devastation. With further damage made, an additional claim...
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Hail Damage
Hail Damage Claims
We've all seen it. Random storms of hail pounding upon buildings and structures as large as baseballs at times. Depending upon the season, as hail can be noted in virtually all of them, can determine the amount of damage it destroys on roofs, siding...
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Frozen Pipes
Frozen Pipes Damage
Frozen pipes happen most commonly in the colder months on the year. Here in New Jersey and Pennsylvania it’s usually in the late autumn, winter and early spring, during the Northeaster’s that most frozen pipes occur...
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Collapse Damage
Adjusting For Collapse Damage
The definition of collapse is to break down suddenly, which is exactly where one of the most unwanted claims stems from. Once a collapse happens, you should immediately contact your local Public Adjuster Representative...
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Earthquakes Damage
An Earthquake? Here in NJ? In PA? Sure… Earthquakes aren’t necessarily popular in just evolving areas where the earth movement is still thriving, but where the plates are still shifting, as the earth is still forming. The dangerous parts...
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Sewer Backup
Sewer Backup Damage
Unfortunately, sewer backups are not only a nuisance, but a very costly one. The dangers of the pollutants in the water can be extremely hazardous, so cleanup is a necessary cost that is usually incurred. It’s not suggested to clean it yourself...
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Sump Pump
Sump Pump Damage
Years can pass, before actually having an issue with your sump pump. Common and suggested for basement use, something as simple as a power outage can cause malfunctions in your pump. Freezing and age can play a major role in sump pump issues...
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Ice Damming
Ice Damming Damage
Wet insulation, walls, carpeting and actual frame damage are all possibilities of what damage can occur if ice damming goes on too long without notice or a course of action taken. If you had ice damming damage or you know someone...
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Power Surges
Power Surges Damage
It takes seconds for a power surge to completely destroy an entire electrical unit of any kind. A simple fault in a socket can lead to high voltage and sending a strong power surge to burn out your entire house. Many items can be destroyed in the event...
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Roof Leaks
Roof Leaks Damage
Roof leaks are a major disturbance when it comes to home repair and may not always be the easiest thing to fix. In many cases homeowners and business owners agree to patch work and find they either fixing it time and time again..
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Siding Damage
Exterior siding isn’t just meant to be appealing to your eye, but a major protector for your home against weather conditions. However, because its built to withstand inclement weather, even siding can be damaged and costly...
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