Siding Damage in PA & NJ
Exterior siding isn’t just meant to be appealing to your eye, but a major protector for your home against weather conditions. However, because its built to withstand inclement weather, even siding can be damaged and costly. Vinyl is among the common used these days, but still a corner that may be cut by an insurance company adjuster. Because not many homeowners are aware what they are allowed, its easy to agree to the first number given and not realize you’ll be paying out of pocket to finish the job.
Common examples how siding can be damaged are rodents nesting, thermal deformation, hail, grill burns and wind. Siding is the skin to your home. Without it, it cannot be protected against any type of water that has the ability to enter and permanently ruin the integrity of your homes structure.
To get you the maximum settlement with your insurance company in the case of siding damage, call your Public Adjusters Associates office in NJ & PA at (609) 266-9072 or click here to contact us by email.