Commercial Hurricane Damage
By now it is commonly known as one of the most devastating storms that hits the east coast. Most common from the summer months of June to the end of the calendar, hurricanes are a major cause of loss for commercial businesses. In addition to the winds and rains it brings, it can interrupt a business for several weeks or months and financially hurt the owner in peak seasons.
To avoid the delay or denial of an insurance company, because there is already enough confusion once you contact your insurance company, allow Public Adjusters to intervene and take the frustration out of your hands, and help you with commercial hurricane damage claim. Our professionals are trained to read your business policy and will waste no time inspecting your business and make sure your claim is properly handled.
To maximize your settlement and minimize your frustration call your local office of Public Adjusters Associates if you reside in PA & NJ at (609) 266-9072 or click here to contact us by email.