No Recovery? No Payment!
Insurance claims
Frozen pipes burst into a wall or ceiling
Pool damaged by vandals or storm
Tree falls at home or nearby
Texas are away in the storm
Toilet or bathtub overflow
Improper entry by municipality causing broken door, glass or furniture
Sump or sewer pump water backup
Leaks from the washing machine or dishwasher
Siding is damaged or torn off during the storm
Weight of ice and snow damages canals or collapses a rooftop lookout
A commercial boiler valve breaks and causes excessive steam damage to walls and personal property
Gas grill is very close to home and siding
Housekeeping spills chlorine on the carpets
Sudden visible vapors or particles of carbon gas (soot back-puff) given off into the air by a malfunctioning heater or boiler
Power outage causing a sink overflow or back installation. Lightning hit home causing surge or electrical appliance damage
Loss control of the vehicle on the road and units at home

574% MORE
"Policyholders who used public adjusters received an estimated $9,379 on their claim, compared to $1,391 for those policyholders that did not use a public adjuster, a difference of 574%."
Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA)